Welcome homeschoolers!
We are going to explore Earth Science and follow the Regents level program. It is impossible to cover a whole Regents level course one day per week however we will hit the main topics and you can explore additional information on your own at home if you wish to make the class more comprehensive.
Looking for a textbook to supplement at home?
The one I will be using is
Earth Science, McDougal Littell.I will post suggested chapters from that book that correlate to what we are working on. If you have a different book you are following you can jump around to the various topics. Of course, no books are required and are all optional.
Our plan of study will be as follows:
Sept/Oct- Mapping and Density
Oct/Nov- Rocks
Dec/Jan- Rocks Breaking Down
Feb- Earth History
Mar/Apr- Meteorology
Apr/May- Astronomy
Download a printable copy of the
Earth Science Reference Tables Here
Want a "quick summary" of Earth Science?
Visit this site.
If you are planning to take the Regents Exam in June, you will need to keep track of your lab activities. A simple form will be sufficient to go along with each activity we do in class. I will have a simple version in class if you like.
Each time a new topic is covered I will add links and supplemental material that you can do at home-- its optional how much (if at all) you choose to do at home. Realizing all homeschoolers follow different programs and styles, I offer the information only as a supplement to what we do in class.